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Strength Training For Womens Cyclists!


Hey I'm Ben 


At Pedal Performance, we're dedicated to crafting a remarkable training experieince for every rider. With a background in working with atheletes at all sports & levels, and fueled by a passion for the sport, I understand deeply the significance of optimizing both on-the-bike performance and off-the-bike health. That's why we prioritize building bodies that not only support demanding riding schedules but also prioritize overall well-being.


Through personalized strength training programs, targeted recovery techniques, tailored nutrition guidance, and mindset strategies honed through my own experiences and those of fellow cyclists, Pedal Power Performance aims to empower riders across all disciplines. It's not just about hitting the road or trail—it's about maximizing enjoyment, endurance, and performance while fostering a sustainable and fulfilling cycling lifestyle.


Join me on this journey, where we combine expertise with a genuine passion for cycling to help you reach your fullest potential on and off the bike.

Training Plans

Pedal Performance Collective:
"Tailored Training for Every Rider" 

TrainingPeaks Premium ($19/mo value)

Tailored Training PlansThe Strength program that you need to succeed on and off the Bike. 

 Nutrition GuideTailored to Cyclists & Endurance Athletes. Pre-race nutrtion guidelines. Hydration advice.

Unlimited access to me trough group portalTypically a 48 hour resposne time.

Built-In Accountability A great place to connect with fellow cyclists, a place where we can all hold eachother accountable, so that we all win togther. Connect with cyclists all over the world.

*Coming Soon* Weekly Support calls- Questions answered weekly, updated library of past videos, Lifestyle & Training advice, Chats with professionals in the field. 


(Our program adapts seasonally to align with the natural ebbs and flows of cycling seasons.)

1on1 Coaching

TrainingPeaks Premium ($19/mo value)

Custom Training Plan-  A Performance Plan Built for you! Customized to your training, race and life plans. This is the ultimate program to take your performance to the next level!

Personalized Nutrition AdviceTailored to Cyclists & Endurance Athletes, built for you. Pre-race nutrtion guidelines based on performance. 

Text & Video Calls- Feedback Through Training Peaks, Once a month check-ins, &Acess to me over text.


Access to group portalTypically a 48 hour resposne time.

Built-In Accountability Group A great place to connect with fellow cyclists, a place where we can all hold eachother accountable, so that we all win togther. Connect with cyclists all over the world.


TrainingPeaks Premium ($19/mo value)

 Nutrition GuideTailored to Cyclists & Endurance Athletes

Unlimited access to me trough group portal

Text & Video Calls- availble with custom Plans 



Unlimited access to ProCoach from Precision Nutrition

Food & Exercises recommendations

Macronutrient + Micronutrient breakdown

Chat at any time over email or text

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